October is here, let’s hit the ground running

By the looks of it, I’ll be out of my apartment for 2 weeks and some change. Tomorrow it starts all over again. But this time it’ll be different, I’m taking another approach. Gonna spend more time inside, carry less stuff on the road, run a tighter schedule.

Also, it’s getting fucking cold. I’m talking about temperatures of 41F to 48F in the mornings. Looks like it’s gonna be a short autumn, and a long cold winter. It’s definitely going to suck, but I’m ready. Bring it.

Aaaaand, I’m supposed to start the new book in October. At the very least, begin to put together all my past notes, half-written story arcs, and character ideas. This will surely take me 1-2 weeks. Then comes the organizing and researching, that’s another week or two. Just like that, the month flew by, and I haven’t even written the first word. If I’m lucky, (and that’s a big if considering my busy schedule), the real writing will start the first week of November. But that’s another post, not gonna get into that now.

The weekend already started. Let’s get to it.

4 responses to “October is here, let’s hit the ground running”

  1. Your schedule sounds pretty good to me! 🙂

    Here at the Eastcoast of Australia it is also a bit too cold right now.
    And we have this year much too much rain! I really would like to have
    a lot more sunshine for a change. 🙂

    Cheers! Stay safe! Love, Uta ❤


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